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"Teryn was born to train, to lead, to guide. Her passion, and love for her art, craft and students shine through everything s he does. Between her Color Theory webinar and Li-FT Course, she has supplied me with a wealth of knowledge in my 4 years of doing permanent makeup. Teryn, I'm grateful to know you, to call you a friend, and I know I can speak for everyone in this industry, we're lucky to have you. Thank you for being YOU"
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Aunque Teryn es innovadora, distribuidora, emprendedora y mucho más… ella se considera sobre todo una artista y educadora/entrenadora. Ha tomado todo su conocimiento, todo lo que ha experimentado y todo lo que tiene para dar a otros artistas y lo ha reunido todo aquí en Girlz Ink Academy. Ha aportado sus altos estándares de educación, capacitación y tutoría a esta academia y confía en que ayudará a artistas de todo tipo para alcanzar nuevos niveles en su propio trabajo.
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NanoLines® Machine Hair Stroke Course by Mary Ritcherson

$479 - 12 Month Access

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Join Our Free Trial
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.

It’s finally here, Mary Ritchersons Signature Machine Hair Stroke Technique, NanoLines®.

The Queen of Machine Hair Strokes is super excited to share with you all her tips, tricks and techniques to achieving beautiful, natural and long-lasting results for Hair Strokes.

Not all skin types are suitable for the traditional Microblading Technique, where the pigment is scratched/cut into the skin. This can cause more trauma and poor healing. Technicians are realizing that the skin has more scar tissue and cannot be done more than a couple times. It’s great to have options that fit the need of the client.

With machine work, you puncture the skin in clean strokes, causing less trauma and allowing for subsequent procedures to be performed over the years. When done properly, there is minimal to no bleeding allowing for better healing and long-lasting results.  Less Trauma=Better Retention!

Course Outline

Course Trainer

Mary Ritcherson

Mary Ritcherson, considered to be one of the industry’s top hair stroke brow artist and respected trainers brought her amazing skills and ethics to the Girlz Ink Academy with all her classes. Mary is a proud mother, wife, boss and mimi, born and raised in sunny Florida. Mary attended art school, studied surgical technology and has worked with highly respected Plastic Surgeons prior to starting her career in Permanent Makeup.

Mary has worked in the Permanent Makeup industry for over 15+ years. She completed her Certification in Permanent Makeup in August 2004 & to date she has completed over 15,000+ eyebrow procedures. Mary is licensed in Florida and in Colorado.

Mary Ritcherson is 1 of the 4 founders of America the Beautiful PMU Conferences & Co-Trainer with Teryn Darling for the popular Shades & Strokes® brand.

Mary’s trademarked NanoLines® technique has gained her worldwide recognition allowing her to showcase her work and share her techniques in advanced classes and conferences all over the world.

Mary has mentored some of the top trainers in the world. With humbled beginnings, she truly knows what it takes to be successful and maintain a respectable position in our industry.

Mary recently moved to Colorado to be closer to family and will be offering her services & trainings in Boulder & Fort Collins, Colorado.

Future plans include: Opening an Advanced Training Center in Colorado in 2020 with her daughter, Morgan Meyers., who is also a licensed Permanent Makeup Artist & Medical Esthetician & Online Courses.

Mary is also the owner of the trademarked brand Brow Life® training & procedure products. 

“The result of my work reflects my true artistic ability. I truly LOVE what I do!The passion I feel for my work and sense of responsibility to my client comes through in every procedure I do, for once I’ve touched their face, it will be changed forever”