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Live & Record Webinars
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Powder Brow Course by Teryn Darling

$479 - 12 Month Access

Map It and Lock It by Michon Martinez

In this powder brow course Teryn will be demonstrating all her movements and techniques on how she achieves the most beautiful true, classic powder brow, a gradient brow and a more solid, striking brow.

Teryn features two different models teaching you everything you need to know to master the different styles of the powder brow. She will be showcasing the larger shader needles and you will learn all her tattoo techniques such as circular shading, shoveling movements, whip shading and pointillism.

High Saturation Eyeliner By Teryn Darling

You will learn the pattern in which she moves across the eyebrow in order to achieve even saturation and lots of healed in color. If you are a permanent makeup artist who wants to learn the bigger needles, do powder brows quickly & efficiently, do less touch up work and be more successful with oily, challenging skin…then this is the perfect online eyebrow course for you.

This is a well-rounded course full of detail and high education suitable for the new artist as well as the advanced. This course will totally up your powder brow game and drive you to become a versatile brow artist.

Winged Eyeliner By Amber Guthery
Wedge & Wing Eyeliner Design By Teryn and Amber
Saline Removal

Course Outline

Li-FT® Saline Lightening By Teryn Darling
Micro-Needling by Mary Ritcherson
Micro-Tattooing by Kara Gutierrez
Meet Li Pigments by Teryn Darling
Live & Record Webinars
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Li Pigment Lines
Teryn's Favorite Brow Colors
4. Blondes
5. Medium Brown (Neutral) 7. Darker Brown
8. Dark Brown/Black
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Accompanying her reputation as being an amazing artist, Teryn is known all over the world as one of the top educators and speakers on several industry topics such as Needles, Color Theory, Skin Undertones and Pigment Removal. She spent years ma
© 2025
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Student Testimonials

Torie Ulloa

"Just finished my Powder Brow Course!! Can I just say I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much Teryn Darling for all this brain food!! I learned 10x more from your online course than in my $3k in person training I took elsewhere! Can't wait to apply this to my clients."

Sabra Madonna

"I have taken Teryn's online Li-FT, Wedge & Wing, Color Theory and now Powder Brow Course. No one and I mean no one trains like Teryn, she is the best at what she does. She is not just passionate about her profession but for teaching as well. Do not hesitate to take any of her courses, it is light years above the rest. Thank you Teryn and team for all of your super valuable info!"

Kia Lucio

"Hands down the best online training I have come across in my PMU career! I took the Powder Brows and Li-FT Training courses. The level of in-depth information is beyond what I have seen from any other course. You can really tell Teryn is giving quality info, tips and tricks that you can only really gain from years of experience. Having that perspective and experience combined with the depth of information is what I feel makes this training unparalleled to any other online courses. I could not recommend this enough and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have such quality education from the comfort of my home."

Course Trainer

Teryn Darling

Teryn Darling has been a cosmetic tattoo artist for over 21 years. Her background and experience in body tattooing elevated her to be one of the most skilled, versatile and standout PMU artists in the industry.

Accompanying her reputation as being an amazing artist, Teryn is known all over the world as one of the top educators and speakers on several industry topics such as Needles, Color Theory, Skin Undertones and Pigment Removal. She spent years making her own tattoo needles, a long-time student of color theory and one of the innovators of pigment removal. Teryn is responsible for developing safe and effective techniques to remove migrated eyeliners and freshly done procedures… both in which she was told can not be done. Well… she did it and is now teaching these new techniques to other artists.

She owns the Girlz Ink Studio® along with her partner Kat in Las Vegas where she proudly trained and now houses several top artists. She became the master distributor for Li Pigments® in 2011 and with that she started and cultivated the Girlz Ink® Supply Store. She is a founding partner in Shades and Strokes®… the first and longest running brow class to incorporate all techniques into one class… powder brow, machine hairstroke and microblading. She is a founding partner in Skinful Beauty® which is producing some of the best and most innovative pmu products in the industry today. She is a founding partner of America The Beautiful PMU Conference® and now the Girlz Ink On-line Academy®. All this while still staying at the top of her game with her procedure skills, remaining a badass trainer, humble and down to earth. She is one of the hardest working people in our industry, she is beloved and a mentor to many.

Although Teryn is an innovator, formulator, distributor, entrepreneur and so much more… she considers herself an artist and educator/trainer above all. She has taken all of her knowledge, all that she has experienced and all that she has to give to other artists and put it all together right here on the Girlz Ink Academy. She has brought her high standards of education, training and mentorship to this academy and is confident it will help and nurture artists of all types to reach new levels in their own work.