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Combo Brows Course by Amber Guthery

$479 - 12 Month Access .view-all-btn { display: block; font-family: 'Roboto Slab' !important; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600 !important; letter-spacing: 3px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; color: #242424; background-color: #ff9cc5; padding: 10px 100px; z-index: 10; } .view-all-btn:hover { transform: scale(1.02); } /* Fixed sidenav, full height */ .sidenav { height: 100%; width: 0; position: fixed; z-index: 40; top: 0;

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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI. Wedge & Wing Eyeliner Design By Teryn and Amber

In this combination brow course Amber will be demonstrating all her movements and techniques on how she achieves the combination eyebrow.  The combination eyebrow involves a variety of techniques. This class will showcase Ambers shading movement; used to create a powder brow effect, her shoveling movement that she uses to create beautiful, crisp hair strokes, and her pointillism technique that she uses to blend the two together creating a stunning combination eyebrow! 

High Saturation Eyeliner By Teryn Darling

Amber features one complete live procedure teaching you everything you need to know to master the different styles of the combination brow. You will learn how to use a variety of techniques in just one brow in order to achieve even saturation and long-lasting results.

3D Areola by Hayley Shortridge-Gabriel
Micro-Needling by Mary Ritcherson

Course Outline

Saline Removal
"Emergency Removal"® by Teryn Darling Map It and Lock It by Michon Martinez
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I started doing PMU in 2000 and for those first two or three years, I was using and experimenting with a few different pigment lines.  In 2003 I bought my very first Li color, Hazelnut.  I fell in love with the performance of that color so I started adding other Li colors to my repertoire.  The healing and aging of all the colors were impressive and Li Pigments earned my trust.  By the year 2005 I was using Li Pigments exclusively as well as teaching it in my all my hands-on training classes.
As artists we should develop a trust and a bond with our pigment line or at least that’s the goal. We spend countless hours, weeks and months learning our pigments and using them on all our clients with the hopes that they heal beautiful and age with stability. In this FREE Course I will go over The Manufacturing Process and the qualities of the most popular pigment lines. What technique they are best for, and how to dilute these pigments.  (in the mist of Teryn talking about Li Pigment she also gives great PMU tips and tricks) 
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18. Support
19. Video: Teryn talks about her core colors
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Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.

Amber Guthery is a permanent makeup artist who has been tattooing in the industry at Girlz Ink Studio in Las Vegas for 5 years. Amber has an extensive artistic background in design, and she feels that this has helped her in her progress tremendously within the Permanent Makeup Industry. Very soon into her career, Amber became very well known for her eyeliner work. Some would say the she’s one of the best!

Amber also enjoys tattooing powder brows, ombre brows, machine hair-stroke brows, lips and even corrections and removals. She prides herself on being a very versatile artist. “It keeps ya on your toes every single day!”

In Vegas, Amber gets asked to do a lot of bold permanent makeup procedures! “We do showgirls, performers, cocktail servers…A LOT of industry people who want the infamous makeup look!”

Ambers dedication, drive, and ambition makes her ready for anything that comes her way! With all the knowledge she has gained from her experiences, her dedication to her craft and to her students, and her high standards she sets upon herself.

Amber is considered to be one of the best young trainers in the industry today.