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Meet Li Pigments (FREE COURSE) by Teryn Darling

I started doing PMU in 2000 and for those first two or three years, I was using and experimenting with a few different pigment lines. In 2003 I bought my very first Li color, Hazelnut. I fell in love with the performance of that color so I started adding other Li colors to my repertoire. The healing and aging of all the colors were impressive and Li Pigments earned my trust. By the year 2005 I was using Li Pigments exclusively as well as teaching it in my all my hands-on training classes.

In this FREE Course I will go over The Manufacturing Process and the qualities of the most popular pigment lines. What technique they are best for, and how to dilute these pigments.  (in the mist of Teryn talking about Li Pigment she also gives great PMU tips and tricks).

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